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Old 05-11-2012, 01:21 PM   #5
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Re: 1970 2wd Blazer help

Yes it can be driven as is has been changed to 5-lug and disc brakes, is in primer now...the guy took the 4spd out and put a 700r4 in it...fine for now but I would want to put the 4spd back in it, not a fan of 700r4's...was lowered by heating the coils, that will need fixed has a brakeing issue (will probably rebuild anyway) guys says he has 6500 in it but would take 6000...if I can come up with it without affecting our budget and taking out a loan I will do it just a little short right now...but its not advertised and not many people even know of the vehicle and its whereabouts. He said he doesn't intend to sale so maybe I have some time..would like to do a frame off maybe next year with tax returns and put back somewhat original keep the drop, and 5-lug set-up...just paint original except add upper moldings and shine it up with some rims
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