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Old 05-13-2012, 09:51 PM   #9
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

Gotcha. Like I said, I would never want to take advantage of him, or screw him in any way. I was just trying to figure out at what point do I say enough is enough? Regardless, I have the truck all buttoned up for the shipper to come tomorrow, although I have not had any contact from them yet. Battery is fully charged, gas in the tank, key is in the ignition. I may fiddle with it a little tomorrow morning just to make sure it is running strong, but I don't forsee any problems. Oh, and we are supposedly working on the 3rd shipper right now.

Purchaser is also the same guy that tried to tell me that I had to give him a bigger break on the truck than other people cause of the costs he would incur in shipping it back to ON. He quickly found that it wouldn't be my problem. I can also say that I have bent over backwards for this guy trying to help him with shippers, locate a bed for him, and paid the extra money to get the truck towed to the DMV, title changed, registered and tagged (per their requirements) and towed home all to get him his title, instead of him just writing his name on the back of the original title in the purchaser spot. just sayin, it would've been that easy for him, and he could have incurred those costs when he went to have it titled in his name, instead of me having to lose $200 of the $1200 he paid me.
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