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Old 05-13-2012, 10:30 PM   #62
HotRod C/10
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Re: the remains form swap meet 67-72 truck parts

Originally Posted by teeitup View Post
Bruthaman, Wade send me your full addy and I will get one out to you since your a repeat customer

truckmanloco, sorry none right now

shawno72, all I have in gas pedals are on the setups, really don't want to separate. I'll get a pic of the best door edge guard I have

Levi.Johnson, your 2nd on the bumper, you'd need different brackets than the step bumper brackets

tll74, Tom, I'll see what I have in black AC balls, I know the center chrome vents are are worn alot. The blue 72 door panels have extra screw holes and some wear

fast50ranger, your 3rd in line on bumper

bean, no inner sport bumper brackets only outer

gcburdic, Geoff, I'll check on the e-brake pad and chrome, I have a few. The GM seat buttons are worn

290d1, David, column wire connector is $10. I think I have 6 67 seat bolts, $15 for all

71Rat, I'll get pics of the best 3 I have, I have one guy ahead of you on a set of black ones

HeavyMetalChevy, Duane, your 4th on bumper. 2nd on 72 chrome panel trim for $20. I have one set of blue woodgrain/scroll panels for $50, one set of plain ones for, top black and green are the best $20, all plus shipping. Black and blue headliners $40 each plus shipping. On the visor clips I need to keep them for visor sets.

Rusbuilt, it has 2 holes in very center that was drilled, I can get a quote and pic hopefully Mon after work

DSALRAM, I will get a quote Mon

badpeanut, Wes, I'll see Mon

Zoomin, Steve, sorry none right now

Thanks Randy
sounds good

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