Thread: First Old Truck
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Old 05-14-2012, 08:10 PM   #51
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Re: First Old Truck

Got enough work done on this thing that I think it's worth an update. Although most of the pictures are really bad because I can only work in the smallest bay at my dad's car lot thats usually used for storage, but at least I have a lift.

First I painted the logo on my tailgate (it looks good from 5 feet away), and took off that heavy bumper.

And I got my wheels painted and mounted on the new tires.

Now I'm trying to decide which caps to use

And I also started ripping out the wood for the water bed instillation (just kidding)

I'll get some better pictures as soon as it's on the ground, I just wish I had an awesome garage like my friends to work in all the time.

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