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Old 05-14-2012, 08:21 PM   #12
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Re: Tick, Tick, Tick (Lifter, Rocker, Exhaust) Video—CHARLOTTE SHOPS?

Originally Posted by 86c20 View Post
it sounds to fast for a lifter tap. not saying its not as my 86 has one that is bad now and it tapps all the time. but mine came on slow wine then slight tap then tap. sounds like my 454 did when it broke a push rod would be worth tacking the valve covers off and checking all rockers for a loose one and springs. do you know what cam is in it? and are you a hard driver?? high rpms and heavy throttle?
I'm pretty easy on it overall. I don't know about cams. Never been in the motor personally. Was told by PO that it has a "mild cam" and it sounds like it. Nice, slow burble at idle. It sounded so cool just before this.

I'd be up for taking the valve covers off to look around, but I'm worried I'd screw it up to much to be even able to drive it somewhere (look where replacing the stupid PS belt got me).

'82 C10 2WD SB. 350/4spd (floor)
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