Thread: 1984 swb c10
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Old 05-14-2012, 11:38 PM   #34
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Re: 1984 swb c10

Thank ya! The plan is constantly changing. I was origionally going to set it up as a drag truck/daily driver. But now, I am pretty much set on making it more of a street truck and handling. The "make it handle" thread in the suspension forum has me dreaming!

Other than that, I was planning on putting a healthy 383 under the hood.. but that has changed as well. My buddy that builds race engines, etc has talked me into doing 5.3 swap in it. It just makes more sense for the money. Before swapping the motor though, I will get the rearend built to handle the power and the same with the trans unless I go with a 4L80e when swapping the motor.

It is a slow process right now. A little at a time!

I have never been to Bun-n-Barrel actually. What time do people start showing up down there? I would love to cruise down there sometime!
84 SWB C10 Project
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