Sounds like Summit sent you a pair of mounts for a 72. I think the 73 and up trucks also use that kind of mount.
From what I've gathered, the actual motor mounts for 68-71's are quite a bit more expensive than the motor mounts for 72s. But, the engine stands (that bolt to the frame) for 68-71s are relatively cheap compared to the stands for 72s.
So, it boils down to where you want to spend your money...engine stands (which aren't gonna break) or motor mounts (which can break).
I'd rather spend a couple bucks now on 72 style stands/mounts and be assured that if I break a motor mount on down the road I will be able to find a replacement at the local auto parts store rather than having to order one from LMC or another such company.
...just my 2 cents...OK, 3 cents