Originally Posted by 86c20
wire sizing is ok with me. (work on generators) was thinking about getting some double 00 to run. same thing they run on semis think i can get it cheap lol. i would do bat to starter on the pos and neg then starter to frame. and then frame back to bat. had to do that on my dads ss chevelle. worked well after that.
Sounds good, just keep in mind thats a long run. And k
Charging the frame as a ground is proven to accelerate rust/corrosion. So if they salt the roads in mass id coat the frame at least.
Just some thoughts! I think this will work well for you, handeling i noticed was loads better, took her to 115 and noticed the rear slumped in a better manner, calmed down like a dart.
Also i highly reccomend an intruder switch on the container the batts will be in, mine has a dead man switch wired into the door sensor on alarm module so no one can just disconnect batt , shatter window, pop in nuteral and roll away. Hahha
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