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Old 05-17-2012, 12:00 PM   #39
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Re: Let me see some Rat Rod engines

Originally Posted by Chevette View Post
Don't take it personal. Some folks just feel the need to crap all over things that aren't "main steam". I myself have seen many "rat rods" that I'd love to own. Some of them look like they'd be real fun to have. Also, you don't have to walk around them with a chamois all day. I do agree that they must be built safe, as with any vehicle.
"rat" rods aren't main stream?


thats the new wave. bolt a bunch of mismatched garbage on a car and call it done.

I'm from Louisiana like one of the previous posters and "rat rods" are most definitely considered garbage. That's the point of it right? Make it look as shotty as possible?

the only time a "radrod" is cool is when its a traditional, in which it wasn't a ratrod in the first place.

I can't wait for this "style" to go away.
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