Thread: I got one!
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Old 05-18-2012, 08:06 AM   #22
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Orchard Park, NY
Posts: 28
Re: I got one!

@1972CST: More pics of the rear mat are attached. There is actually a long split, and a few divots, but it's otherwise intact. If you can believe it, the speaker-box in the pictures is attached to the stock AM radio...?

@tubbedII: There is something wrong with how clean I keep my garage. It's actually really dirty in these pictures, the tile floor hasn't been pressure washed in a few weeks...

@BobbyK: We bought a new house just to fit all her shoes.

@rsavage: Hey, you're just down the road a ways from me! Glad I could help you out by purchasing this truck, but like I said it's actually pretty rough. I'm sending you a PM, I'd like to pick your brain a little if you don't mind.

@mustardjimmy71: The good news is she's talking to me again. The bad news is I can't repeat what she's saying on a wholesome website like this forum.

One more question, how do I figure out what carburetor I have? Is there a number on it somewhere? I'd like to buy a rebuild kit and have a go at it, it idle's kind of rough and when I'm driving at speed then step on the gas it's kind of flat, or hesitates, or something. Unfortunately, I haven't owned a car with a carburetor since 1989, and that was a '79 Caprice Classic.
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