Bob, first you are VERY WELCOME my friend, (there wasn't any way I was gonna put that back on my truck) JK LOL

that's what this forum is for to share and help....
GREAT progress, you make me look like I'm backing up LOL , its coming along nicely, keep it up and you'll have it finished before ya know it .
Since your doing a total restoration, are you going to put the lettering back on it, or leave it plain, or perhaps do your own "shop" logos ?? I think It would be real cool to letter it the way it was, and even cooler if the PO could see it and maybe sign the glove box, AAAHHH Americana preserved.
Oh by the way, what's this "next year" stuff, I wanna ride in it before then !! LOL GREAT TRUCK, GREAT PROGRESS. Coop