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Old 05-19-2012, 12:56 PM   #8
Marv D
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Re: Battery question

Originally Posted by ProStreet68SB View Post
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on that. After playing around in the SPL side of the Audio world, We normally run AGMs (multiples) and very common to run 1 or more 300+amp alternator.
Prostreet, and also in utmost respect. Intelligent men can agree to disagree and still respect the others opinions. I appreciate your's and your experience and expertise here without a doubt!

I myself have never had a 300amp alternator so the internals there are probably a LOT better than the Powermaster junk I was using and was the sole basis of my experience with them! In retrospect, basing my opinion on the Powermaster junk may have been biased. BUT.. After toasting 3 of the $300 billet Powermaster 150 amp alternators, I took 2 of them to a alternator shop in Phoenix because Babcock ws charging me $170 + $40 in shipping to rebuild them when they didn't last 6 months (but more than his 90 days) The windings were totally fried. First words out of the local rebuilder's mouth were "your using an Optima battery arent you?" He said he will rebuild them and replace the crap regulators/parts Powermaster uses, but will ONLY guarentee them if I get rid of the Optima battery. I asked WHY!!!! His simple response was "why do you think all decent battery chargers have a switch for AMG batteries" ... "The same reason why Optima's new $200 superduper charger only puts out 12 amps"

Now is this guy an expert,, I sincerely doubt it! He just has one small alternator shop in Phoenix. But if you would like to buy 2 BillitSpecialities / Powermaster polished 150 amp alternators that havbe been rebuilt with quality parts,, I'm willing to sell my 2 spares now that I have replaced the Optima in that car with a Interstate regular ol battery and going on almost 2 years now with no failure.
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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