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Old 05-19-2012, 02:31 PM   #1
chris mc bride
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Lucked into 1`2 bolt for panel today

I was shop today moving some stuff and remembered the old utility trailer out back had a 12 bolt under it for axle. Did little measuring and found out it 1.5 to 2" wider than one under my panel. Perfect I wanted a wider rear and being 5 bolt was even better.

Pulled it down figuring it had been gutted before someone welded it under a trailer. Man almost new looking posi unit and not bad looking 3.42 gear set. Probaly buying new gear anyway(just to give me that warm fuzzy feeling). But still a 12 bolt w/posi that wider to correct a factory screwup and its 5 bolt wheel pattern which I wanted to change anyway.

Going back as soon a finish one small project here and start cutting ,I'll probaly need new mounts since I'm going to be selling this one as soon as my membership renews waiting on freaking paypal to credit my account. Back to work,ok back to playing.
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