Thread: My 82 shortbed
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Old 05-21-2012, 09:54 AM   #98
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Re: My 82 shortbed

Now as for the bed took it off and standed it up against the wall. Next day tried using my dads compressor and sandblasting but it just couldnt keep up and didnt have much pressure. Started calling around and found a place that had a peice that attached to the end of a 4000psi pressure cleaner and would spit the sand out with the water. planned a day and went and rented it for 40 for 24 hours. trying to keep the sand moving threw the line was a pain. and couldnt get wet till it got used so had to make sure it was covered up good. once i had got it figured out for the most part i started sandblasting a section. Not going to lie it worked quick and went to bare medal in a second but used up ALOT of sand in the process when it was working right And made a big mess everywere. Before you could even dry it off surface rust would begin to arise. So called that plan a failed attempt. i wish i would have took a pic of the peice to show you guys.
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