Originally Posted by butternut1972
Looks great! Yeah new paint woks better than a bug zapper  You should see all the bugs that Yellow attracts.
Thanks! It suuuuuuure does.. Man I could imagine!
Originally Posted by oldman3
Looks good, crap about the bug.....Jim
Originally Posted by Bennett--G4L
sorry to hear about the bug but the paint looks great
Originally Posted by 67cheby
looking good !
Originally Posted by 72SWBChevy
Hood looks great!! What are your plans for the underside of the hood?
Thanks! I like how it looks black so that's what it'll be, for now at least..
As I was sanding out the bug, I couldn't help but going through to color...so I busted out the small gun and touched it up. Then I decided to go ahead and wet sand the cowl and grille just in case I were to sand through the clear. Went through on an edge on the cowl, but the grille looks SICK, if I can say so myself...can't wait to polish it out! So now I need to completely clear the hood again, as well as where I went through on the cowl, so I'm saving that for tomorrow.
Hey here's an idea...paint that doubles as an insect repellant!