Originally Posted by HeavyMetalChevy
Amen.. It is a general discussion board.. We are having a conversation. If I for instance wanted to talk about the awesome lunar ellipse that went down and how many got to actually see it.. I hope that is acceptable..
You just don't get it. It's fine to discuss whatever topic you want,as long as it's content is what's allowed here (remember our first conversation about your unsolicited,lengthy,and graphic definition of the term "qued"?). What you do is start your own thread posted in the appropriate place. For instance,the lunar eclipse is not 67-72 GM truck related so you would post that in "General Discussion". This site was designed to work a certain way and thousands of members have had no problem going along with it for many years before you came along. Why don't you take a look around and see how things are done here rather than just do things how you see fit? People who have been on this site a long time can set a good example for you,if you pay attention.
I'm done and I apologize for this type of conversation that does not belong posted in a thread,but it seems some people are setting bad examples and others are following and I'm about fed up.