Originally posted by C&C Chevy
Easy guys! I like and have stock lenses. If I had to get some, I'd get the ones aspt has.
You know what they need to make, is some stock looking lenses but have them a clear red, like on newer cars. With a can of chrome paint for the reflective surface and new LCD bulbs, those would look cool.
Thanks. I like mine because of the LED bulbs - made my lights 300% brighter. Making the legal clear ones would be tough though. They have them for the 88-98 body style, but they still aren't legal for CA as it must have a red lens too. CA automotive laws suck!
Do you mean LED? (LED=light emitting diode) (LCD=liquid crystal display) LCDs are what flatpanels are made out of (Along with plasma and a billion different other technologies)