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Old 05-23-2012, 07:34 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Indian Trail, N.C,
Posts: 864
Re: WTB: Old rusty wrenches

Hello Bryan,

Having been involved in trophy making in the past, I can appreciate your situation. The show wants classy trophies, but budgets are always cramped...

$50 each???? REALLY???

I have some old toolboxes that belonged to my Dad. They're in another location, but I'm headed down this weekend. I'll go thru 'em and anything I have is yours. Haven't opened those boxes in years, but they're just gathering dust. Anything I can muster is yours for the shipping. No Promises on what's there, but whatevers there, is yours. How 'bout some old carpenter's tools? I know my Dad was an old school guy and did a ton of finish work. I'll get some pics this weekend.
Have you tried a local flea market? I've seen vendors with tables full of old tools.
Eat it all up, Wear it out,
Use the last few drops,
Spend all you've got,
Late in life, you'll think of the things you didn't do, not the things you did. - Get out and experience life !
Robbie Robinson a.k.a. TobyArnot (Toe Bee or not toe bee)
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