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Old 05-27-2012, 07:44 PM   #191
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Re: most original 60-66 truck in existence?

Originally Posted by oem4me View Post
It's really great to see your contributions to this thread. As you might have noticed, sometimes the originality threads on the forum can lag a bit. We've got a little momentum going here with these recent additions keep em coming, I know you can.
Also, I don't even care that it's the wrong generation for us 60-66ers, I gotta see more of that black truck.
Your creating a lot of work for me... LOL... But Im enjoying it. The 59 is next in line. Its been sitting on a lift in my building now for at least 6 years. I had some trouble blowing out the ballast resistor on the firewall so I got fed up and put it away.Any ideas on the cause ? Walked home twice each time about two miles. This truck still had two original tires on it. I have some "AS FOUND" pictures of the truck if interested. Truck was stored in a HOUSE in North Carolina since 1985 along with a 57 Chevy Belair with 19,000 miles !!!

Last edited by 60-66; 05-28-2012 at 11:03 AM.
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