Originally Posted by suzq044
Dont you wish those gas-prices were real? LOL
Heck yeah I wish they where real!
Originally Posted by OC 72
Thats already a cool ride! can't wait to see the changes.
Originally Posted by perro13
Looking good
Originally Posted by joedoh
I like where you are going with this. personally I cant stand wide whitewalls on later trucks, seems like such a 50s thing. just my cruddy opinion though.
Originally Posted by jocko
LOVE it Rene! Lookin good. I'm on the fence with the whitewalls (at current ride height, that is) - but considering your plans to drop it, I think it'll look killer with that tire/wheel combo. I think the tire size is perfect now, especially compared to the big rears that came on it. And I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for those ol coke containers... Need to get my butt back out to some swap meets soon. Gonna try to make it to the L.A. Roadster show - they have a great meet, and the parking lot is where the real show is. Don't really care about the roadsters inside the fence (although I do go peek...)
Anyhoo - love the truck, always know it's gonna turn out perfect with yoor mods. Keep postin!
Originally Posted by Slow Build
Nothing like that ever happens around here when I get bored.
Lookin good Rene.
Originally Posted by VA72C10
Liking the upgrades!
Thanks a bunch guys, I just thought the chrome bumpers and the dark brown steelies with the white wall would wake up the look of the truck and highlight the bodystyle, I may still end up changing the wheels, once it's lowered I'll have more of an idea because the whole look will be different (a good different I hope.
