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Old 05-29-2012, 06:14 PM   #5
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Location: Orchard Park, NY
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Re: Engine / Transmission swap - explain it to me like I'm 5


Sorry to hear you've run into so much trouble. I can honestly say that I have been lied to by everyone I've ever bought a car from, including some members of my immediate family! I guess I should count myself lucky that mine's on the road. Good luck.


Thanks. It's with the mechanic now, and he's going through everything you listed. I hope he's going to tell me that a tune up and carb rebuild are all it needs.

I dropped it off this morning but it rained all day so he had to keep it inside and couldn't road test it. The sun came out around 4pm, I'm working the night shift so I start driving to work at that time. I go right by his place on the way to work, and he turns in 4 cars ahead of me. He had a huge grin on his face...but maybe he was laughing at me for buying it in the first place.


Thanks for the advice, after driving it a little more the last few days I'm leaning towards keeping it stock, if possible. Now, I just need to decide on a paint color...I'm leaning towards black on black:

Black 72 Blazer

Of course, mine will never look like that, but I can dream.
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