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Old 05-30-2012, 10:54 AM   #1
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Frame a little thin.

Hey guys its been a while since I was on here. I am trying to build my dream truck here and cant catch a break. I bought an 83 one ton Chevy to use my 77 body on. Well The frame has a few thin spots in the back, only on the bottom lip of the frame. I'm wondering what you guys think I should do? I live in PA, so there is no such thing as a rust free truck. Ive looked a few and this one seems to be the best. I'm just a little concerned about welding a frame. considering is a 1 ton truck that I'm going to use. The frame is pitted a little, but Ill know more once I get it tore down and get it sandblasted. I was going to box it all in, but after some research it sounds like most people don't suggest doing that. Any thoughts or suggestions would be awesome. Thanks guys!
1977 GMC Camper Special
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