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Old 05-30-2012, 08:24 PM   #1
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
magwakeenercew2jh's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Coarsegold, CA
Posts: 2,375
Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Installed the first side (driver's) of the electric windows that the P.O. and my friend gave me as a bro-bonus.
I had the doors and windows all done, but I'm really glad for the e-windows.

Tip: If you ever, in the most remote chance think you'll be taking your doors apart again, never, ever, ever use these big handle "guards"
(or whatever you call them) shown in the pic. I had to grind brand new handles into trash to get the door panels off. They simply hide
the clips. At least with the door panels *I* am using.

I got one side ground down, and was grousing like the old codger I am when grandson Will showed up to clean up my mess and save
the day and mood. He handed me tools until one side was all buttoned up.

Now, I'm off for a few weeks and no time for the truck.Bummer. I was hoping to get both sides done so I could mail off both manuals
off and mailed to a Form Member for his build.
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Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.
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