I've never purchased a crate motor before. I've bought
2 engines from junkyards. I did NOT know that the warranty from
GM was for parts only. What's with THAT! They assemble the
motor, completely in your case, since you got the deluxe version and I assume that these are GM original parts (which are not inexpensive) and it is SUPPOSED to be a working engine...ready to go in a vehicle.
Do they NOT do a break-in period on these engines? If nothing
else...just to make sure it doesn't have any problems. According
to GM Parts Direct this engine sells for over $6000. IMHO when
you pay that much money they should do
1) a 24 hour break-in period to insure everything is OK.
2) if there is a problem, then the customer should be able
to deliver the vehicle and engine to the seller and let THEM
run all the checks and such.
It sems to me that when to purchase an engine like this
(especially the deluxe version) you are purchasing an engine
that is ready to run...essentially all you have to do is add oil
and filter.
Just my .02
Mt Juliet