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Old 09-27-2003, 01:42 AM   #9
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Lubbock, Texas
Posts: 248
I was looking for a machine shop to complete some work on a big block that I'm prepping for my blazer. After visiting several in the Lubbock, TX area, I stumbled across the shop that completes all the motor upgrades and modifications for Scoggin Dickey before they are sent to the purchaser. They had a line of six new 502 motors sitting there, getting prepped for various uses...with most getting fuel injection systems.

At the end of this line of engines was a warranty engine that had been replaced by Scoggin Dickey. The shop owner explained to me that when an engine appears bad, Scoggin Dickey just replaces the engine with a new unit, but the purchaser is responsible for removal of the engine and reinstallation. Sorta like when you buy a TV...Your responsible for hauling it home and if it doesn't work, you take it back and get a new one. The bad part is that the purchaser can absorb alot of expense in addition to the down time of not having their vehicle running. This shop said that they get about one 502 engine every two months returned with some type of defect or problem. Seems like a pretty high turn-over of problem engines if you ask me.

But even with this information, I think I'm still leaning toward selling my 454 junkyard engine and picking me up a nice, shiny, 450 hp 502 to slap in the old blazer. I will surely get myself in trouble with that beast!
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