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Old 05-31-2012, 11:48 PM   #3309
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Re: ** YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN ** The truck Chevrolet should have built.

Originally Posted by drewskiren View Post
At one point halfway through the build it was a little touch and go. Someone here on the board asked on the build if I had ever heard of Quadrasteer and suggested I might want to look into it. I about had a heart attack!!! I immediately private messaged him and got him to delete his post within about 5 minutes. I told him I was considering it, but didn't want to put it out there yet. He was kind enough to oblige - thanks to whoever you were. (I forgot the name).

I've only been holding this secret inside for 2 years!!! It's been tough keeping that cat in the bag.
I was curious if you had decided not to use quadrasteer or just couldn't find one. It's so great that you made it all come together. This build is awesome! It's exactly how I'd do it!

It's interesting that two people, having never met each other, can have the same ideas. However your talent allowed you to create what I could only envision.

Guess I've been holding this secret inside for 2 years as well.
1972 Chevy Blazer CST.....Project: Polished Turd

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