Originally Posted by BR3W CITY
Our plan is to put 2 6.5 components and an 8" sub into the center console, which has yet to be fabbed. The dash speakers are coming out.
I need to leave the doors 6x9, since I have no further interest in making a patch for that. I need a certain level of loud to get over my obnoxious exhaust noise  The 66's don't have nearly as many openings in the door, so I only have to cover a fairly small area under the door card it looks like.
What about the polyfill stuff, does it help anything or not really?
no need for poly fill...its a cheat when you don't have enough air space it slows down the bass waves.
If you want loud your on the right track. It dosent sound like your worried about sound quality or imaging.
personally i would spend the effort and $ installing about 100 sq feet of sound deadning everyehere inside the cab. it made a huge difference in driver comfort on my 69