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Old 06-04-2012, 10:36 AM   #4
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: Compressor and air tool questions

Cool toys Mark...I'll be right up to play in your shop!

I find it easiest to add a couple drops of oil to a tool each day before it’s first use.
Air tool oil can be had at any major home center. And remember that air tool oil
and compressor oil are not the same thing.
For the compressor’s oil, I prefer a season appropriate synthetic.

As for keeping your compressor outside, moisture will be your worst enemy.
Having an easy to get at drain inside the building is the easiest (don’t forget water
flows down hill) plus drain the bottom of the tank regularly.

For safety sake, it’s easiest to have a power cutoff switch right next to your shop
light switches so the compressor can’t kick in when you aren’t around…broken
hoses can happen. You can also just unplug the hose at the compressor when not in use.

Congrats on re-finding all the neat stuff! Now go shop for a bead cabinet.

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