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Old 06-04-2012, 01:07 PM   #7
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Re: Pics of fuel doors in the bedside on a 67-72!

I like all of the doors in the bedside shown, so far, on this thread. RexDodge has a nice approach and I think it is going to just get better, as it reaches a finished state. Yet, for some reason, and it's probably just the lines of the trucks and Blazer shown, I really like the square doors.

Mine is mounted in the bed, at the rear of the wheel tub, and I do not like it at all. Given my job situation, I may be selling one more of my trucks (my Tahoe is already scheduled for sale in July), so I may not be able to continue working further on my little Copper truck. Might have to turn some time, attention, and dollars towards my 1-Ton as I don't have a tow/haul vehicle at present. This is the fewest number of vehicles I've had in years!! lol

Does anyone have a thread showing the install of a gas door in the bedside? I'd really like to see the process.
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"The DRBMan"

2014 Audi A4 (The Wife's Daily Driver)
2017 HD Ultra (The Cruiser)
2003 HD Fatboy (The Ride)
2001 Chevy Suburban (Another back up!!)

For the first time in forever, not a single 67-72 Chevy truck, Blazer, or Suburban on the property! Basically retired and getting the new Motorhome ready for some traveling. Doing a bit of work on the house getting it ready to sell! LOL!!

Last edited by dhaymaker; 06-04-2012 at 01:09 PM. Reason: I gotta' real hangup about grammar...
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