I like all of the doors in the bedside shown, so far, on this thread. RexDodge has a nice approach and I think it is going to just get better, as it reaches a finished state. Yet, for some reason, and it's probably just the lines of the trucks and Blazer shown, I really like the square doors.
Mine is mounted in the bed, at the rear of the wheel tub, and I do not like it at all. Given my job situation, I may be selling one more of my trucks (my Tahoe is already scheduled for sale in July), so I may not be able to continue working further on my little Copper truck. Might have to turn some time, attention, and dollars towards my 1-Ton as I don't have a tow/haul vehicle at present. This is the fewest number of vehicles I've had in years!! lol
Does anyone have a thread showing the install of a gas door in the bedside? I'd really like to see the process.