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Old 06-05-2012, 06:59 PM   #4
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Re: A 1969 Chevy for Her

Good deal on the her back together the next day after a good soak and polish and adjusted to the specs on the instructions.

Hmm what next....sitting unstarted for 10 years. Better pull all the hoses and vent lines for replacement because they are dry rotted beyond use, swap the plugs and wires, drain and refill the motor, heavy dose of mystery oil in each cylinder...

Ok so I find a huge 4 core radiator from a diesel or something and it needs taller mounts...fab up some risers from square tube check...needed an overflow battery
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71 Jimmy: D60/14BFF, 9"F/11"B Lift, 350-350-203-205, Crossover Hydro steering, Beadlocks, Tube stuff and the bottomless cooler
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