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Old 06-07-2012, 12:15 AM   #10
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Re: shortened frame decrease truck value

Originally Posted by litew8 View Post
Question: Why would someone need, or want, to shorten a swb frame?
Generally speaking, it's done because someone wants to swap a swb fleet/step side bed onto a lwb truck - i.e. make a lwb truck a swb truck - either because they like them or they are seeking a boost in resale because swb's usually bring more money. Very common thing done on 60-66's especially after the Trucks! episode that showed everyone how to do it. Unfortunately, it means that if you want to buy a "true" original shortbed, ya gotta look at the VIN to know for sure what you're getting. If you don't care about originality - then it's no harm/no foul, someone may just do it because they prefer a swb truck. Personally, I'm fine with that - I'm not ok with it being chopped up just to make a few extra $ on resale. If someone wants to do that to their truck, it's a great mod. But to potentially bone someone by advertising it as a true swb truck, not so cool.

Anyway, that is not relevant here - seller is up front and has told the potential buyer it's shortened, and the buyer is looking at it as a parts truck.

However, someone looking for a swb frame, is probably one of those guys that bought a conversion and didn't realize it until he got home.... I wouldn't buy a mod'ed frame either - but that's just me.
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