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Old 06-07-2012, 05:58 PM   #317
C/10 junkie
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Location: Stockton Ca
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Re: Project Grande Slam: Coley's Hot Rod Shop

Chad I am a C/10 junkie and would sell just about anything to keep my truck build moving along. I do in fact buy and sell a lot of parts online and for my friends. I would have to think would I ever ride the bike again the way it should be rode? Could I ride with a less expensive bike and use some of the funds to further my truck. That being said what is more important to you in this stage of your life? To me a $5k bike would fund A LOT of STUFF for my truck so I would say sell it. But if you ever plan to REALLY ride again you may want to keep it.

70 LWB C10 current driver/project
68 SWB C10 Work in progress.....SOLD
72 LWB C10 Sold
71 LWB C10 Sold
68 LWB C10 CST Sold

My mom always had the best advice. It was just a tad late. After a fall that involved blood, she'd say....."Careful!"
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