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Old 06-09-2012, 12:55 AM   #1
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Used to own a 66' GMC - Miss it!

Hey all,

Just started lurking here to see what others have done with their Chevy/GMC trucks. I used to own a 66 GMC 3/4 fleet back (with large glass) in high school and into college. Closer to graduation I sold it to get something a bit more friendly for working. Since then, I've driven a lot of sporty performance cars. Currently, I drive a Volt and it saves me a TON of money in gas.

Looking to potentially get back in the truck game as a hobby in a year or two, once the GF finishes her masters and we move to a place with a better garage.

In any case, thought I'd say hello and share my old truck.

Originally started with a 350/TH350, but by the time I sold it I had fuel injected it (TPI), learned to tune it myself, installed a 700r4, new gauges, new interior, lowered it in the front 3 inches, the back 1 inch, new drive shaft, headlights, etc. I knew nothing about cars when I bought it, and now feel pretty handing building and tuning modern FI cars, so I have a lot of sentimental investment into that journey.

I sold it somewhat locally, but in the 5 years since, I've never seen it once, in person or online.

Sadly, I think this is the only pick I have of it left! This was before I lowered it, changed the tires, and mirrors.

I look forward to watching your projects, and hopefully when I have a shop in a year or two I'll find another GMC big window fleet!
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