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Old 06-09-2012, 08:05 AM   #1
Weasel Diesel
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Chesterfield, Va.
Posts: 339
Shop accident yields massive idea

Ok Guys, this is so simple, I feel SO stupid for not thinking of it sooner. As alot of readers know, I just got done replacing rocker panels & cab corners on my ride. Have been contemplating getting protection coating to spray inside them to avoid rust, however, most of them you have to order and are a tad expensive (i.e. Waxoyl or Eastwood anti rust ) 15.00 a can and have to buy a 50.00 gun & conical wand kit. I was in the shop and to make a long story short a can of DuPont Teflon Multi-Use lubricant got punctured. It srayed a thick coating of teflon all over. Before I could wipe it up it dried ( and I mean quickly ) and left a solid coating of teflon on my toolbox. While I was fussing & cussing, I made the joke " Wish I could get this type of stuff to put on the inside my Rockers, They'd never rust ". DOH..... Idiot,... I took another can, cut the red aerosol nozzle applicator straw in half, ran washer tubing between the 2 pieces, then on the end straw, melted the tip shut, took a hot needle and poked 4 holes arount the sides of the end to make a home made conical spray nozzle. Fed it up into the rocker and cut loose. PERFECT !! I have a well Teflon coated rocker inside. The product is so thin it flows into every crack & crevase. It totally dried quickly. It does just like the label says "Sets up dry". I wanted dry, cause oily stuff collects dirt and stuff. It is really stuck to it good and isn't coming off. The teflon is rated at -30F to 300F, so I dont have to worry here in Va about temp effecting it. 5.00 a can at Lowe's. I was so happy with the rocker result, I did the inside of my doors too !!

Last edited by Weasel Diesel; 06-09-2012 at 08:22 AM.
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