Thread: sway bar ?
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Old 06-10-2012, 12:33 AM   #3
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Re: sway bar ?

Hey Juan!

Depending on what your truck has you may or may not need the mounting brackets , The reason I had to use them was because the powersteering conversion on my truck made the powersteering box hang too low and was in the way....but if you have stock steering or maybe a better powersteering bracket then the one I have you might be able to mount it right to the frame rails...

heres a swaybar write up "txfirefighter" did on mounting your swaybar and also a updated section i added showing my power steering problem, and a number of places I found that sell the brackets....and also a picture with it mounted right to the frame that alot of guys do..

best bet would be to just bolt it up to the a-arms and see if youll need the mounting brackets or not!
Timmy D.

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Last edited by losthope; 06-10-2012 at 12:42 AM.
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