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Old 09-28-2003, 09:34 PM   #1
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Some Stuff for sale

I have a few stuff that I want to sell so I can get a little more cash.

1 set of exhaust manifolds from an 84 305 MAKE OFFER

1 spare tire carrier from 84 Silverado MAKE OFFER

1 700r4 transmission, good for core. $75 OBO

I might have another spare tire carrier in a few weeks/days depending on if I decide whether or not to keep it on my truck.

The money from this is going to go into fixing up my truck so help me out :P You pay shipping on all the items, and prices are negotiable. Let me know guys.

- Ben
84 C10 Silverado
14 Silverado Z71

Last edited by benscool1; 09-28-2003 at 11:10 PM.
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