Originally Posted by darkhorse970
Nice color!
Originally Posted by jlsanborn
Man I'm jealous! Have you guys done bodywork and paint before? I've done some backyard crap and some painting of industrial equipment, but am for sure a "first-timer" when it comes to painting my own restore! Yours is looking stellar and I'd be happy if mine comes out nearly as sweet. Props to you, your Pops and your Bro. That reflecto-pic with the America tee-shirt is priceless!!! I'm way looking forward to some more Youtube of your trick 10!
Hey thanks a lot! My brother and I hadn't done any bodywork or paint before, but my dad built a '57 Austin Healey 3000 a loooooong time ago. He's leaving all that stuff up to us though.

But hey, it's only paint! With enough time, trial and error, patience, and work, you can get something to be proud of. I'll try and get another video soon!