Okay so wanting to know how well this stuff did with heat got the better of me. I dropped everything and went out and tested the heat gun on some scrap pieces. On the low setting, passing the heat gun back and forth at about 3-4 inches for 20-30 seconds makes the material nice and flexible. It was very hot to the touch, but not enough to burn fingers.
Here’s a piece of flat stock I heated up and rolled into a U. This is about 5 minutes after the heating cycle and it held its shape pretty well:
These are the best pictures I can get today. We’re having thunderstorms and cloud bursts all day and its dark in the garage even with all the lights on and the doors open. It’s so dark in the cab the autofocus is having trouble even when using the flash. The 1st picture is without the flash, 2nd is with flash:
The diagnonal stripe near the shift boot is a reflection from the shifter stick. This stuff is really shiny!
This was after about 10 minutes of effort with the heat gun and a couple of magnets to hold the mat flat against the hump cover. The passenger side is almost flat now compared to before heating. The bumps that remain near the front are from embossments in the removable cover and the perimeter of the opening in the floor. I also extended the character line up over the front corner by pressing the heated mat down into the grove until it cooled. I’m inspired to finish working out the rest of lumps but I’ll need to pick up some additional magnets so I can get more done at one heating. Now I’m really happy with it!