Thread: Trans linkage
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Old 06-15-2012, 01:55 PM   #6
Custom 68
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Re: Trans linkage

Originally Posted by chevy72blu View Post
Lokar claims that their kit will work - I had a lot of luck with them in the past. They also make a pretty nifty cable shift bracket and assembly that works with the column. I was considering going that route - but I plan use my B&M ratchet as is for the time being.
Mine worked fine except it was very close to the exhaust the way I ran it and I could not always get it into low. I didnt really need to so I usually just kept it in drive or OD.
Since I had some binding I did look at the lokar unit and it seemed very nice. In the end I swapped out for a T56.
1968 Custom Chevy with turbo charged 5.3 gen III 4l80e swap
1967-71 GMC 3/4 ton long step 4x4 (not sure what year exactly?)
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