Thread: little advise
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Old 06-17-2012, 12:48 PM   #6
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Re: little advise

this is why im thinking of just buying something solid while there, ebay,craigslist, etc and swaping over all the good stuff. They must match vins frame and cab in VA so swaps are difficult if you dont know someone to "miss" that part of it. Hot rods are the same way unless its a special construction which I do not want that title to the truck due to I would like to keep some authneticity of what it is. And if if need sheet metal it will be new. Id love to find a nice patina and im sure they have plenty out there just have to took weeks to get some brakes, months to get some wheels, so waiting is just part of it. I would like a realy registered 67-72 truck but still a resto mod. I dont want to have vin issues and dmv issues. I guess time will tell. Ill take the complete chassis with me and see what turns up over time.
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