Originally Posted by jmedero
Dude I'm always needing people. My right hand guy just got his deployment papers, so I'm looking again.
I love working on cars. I was an insurance agent for 11 years and always knew I'd get out from behind that desk. It was a very good business to be in I just wanted to do something With cars.
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that's crazy! i might have to run that info by the wifey and see what she thinks

....my wife actually works in insurance, which is how we ended up in Pensacola right after college...she's a commercial marketing manager...if i knew there was a good opportunity there for her, i'd love to move back to that area...not sure we'll be here forever, but she's got a really good job right now that doesn't drive her miserable like the past ones...i figure we'll move back a little closer to home once kids are in the picture, but we enjoy it here right now...it's a nice city with lots to do, and lots of attractions within a relatively short drive....just wish i could find that "golden" opportunity for myself, haha