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Old 06-19-2012, 10:34 PM   #849
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

I started the lower coil-over mounts. I started last night by making a drawing and tuning it until I had somthing that I liked.

This morning I made a template for the parts that fit between the shock and the part that welds to the housing{on the left}. The template is .125 smaller on all sides to compamsate for the tip on the plasma cutter.this will allow me to make all four parts the same. it will also make it easier to make a replacement if I don't get the bending right the first time!

Then I drilled the holes for the first plate that welds to the housing.{on the right.The silver marker lines show roughly how it will look.As an after thought I think I might add another adjusting hole on the bottom.
When I get it the way I like{before cutting} I will clamp a blank to it and use transfer punches so both come out the same. I also like to bolt parts that aer the same together during final grinding.
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My GMC build.

Last edited by mknittle; 06-19-2012 at 10:39 PM.
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