Finally had a chance to work on truck again. Spent a BUNCH of time spraying just these 27 parts. I see now why people use rattle cans because it sure is easier than a spray gun. (especially when your small gun is a POS from Harbor Freight) Got so infuriated with it I contemplated buying an Iwata. It dripped paint over my perfectly painted sway bar because it sporadically ejaculated paint from various orfices where it was not supposed to. Now the parts all are satisfactory though after wet sanding etc.
I think if you tried to paint that many small pieces with a rattle can your trigger finger would feel like it's going to fall off by the third piece, a gun is definately the way to go. Iwata's are nice, but they aren't magic. It's still going to be 98% technique. Unless your going to do a lot of painting I wouldn't bother buying a top of the line gun, just tape a rag around the cup to keep it from dripping next time. I got out of the business in 94 so all of my guns are old school siphon feed and they all work fine. You said ejaculated