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Old 06-22-2012, 12:11 AM   #3424
Lucky Teter at the wheel
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Re: ** YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN ** The truck Chevrolet should have built.

Originally Posted by 72blueshark View Post
so just a off topic question, did you have the plans for your house specifically drawn or is it from a specific builder and design code? (engineering student) I would love to see that floor-plan, now that we all have seen your back seat of your awesome truck :P
I was an architect major for a while in college, and I came up with the plan myself.

Mainly I studied this Craftsman style for several years vacations to California and many, many books on the subject.

Take a part here, combine with another piece, and on and on until it looks good. The ability to get it looking good is a gift from God. Scale, proportion, an aesthetic eye, -critical pieces of the puzzle all of which I have, not really of my own doing. I only practice with my given tools.

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (Finished with MAJOR Surgery - IT'S ALIVE!!!)

The Bride is currently under the knife!
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