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Old 06-22-2012, 12:50 AM   #3
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Re: 1971-2 brake master and booster

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
First of all,you have exactly what you want in getting the complete set-up from the same truck because mix matching is an issue. 3/4t and 1t parts are different from 1/2t. But,in just one series (such as 1/2t) there were two different set-ups from two mfgrs. All the parts interchange,which is where the issues come from and that's why have a complete set-up from a know vehicle is good. The place you run into problems is with the push rod length.
from what I've been told by a seasoned parts guy (30years commercial)
the masters the part that the booster pushes on are different, and the booster part.. pushing..

I could order one booster and the two different masters and see what ones the correct one..
the reman(set) doesn't list what part # master goes with (for exp) the bendix booster..

I can get the reman set.. but I'd rather get the reman booster and a NEW master.. and is why I posted this.. other than not knowing if the fire wall bracket was any different.. I figured it be the same for both 1/2 ton set up's

guess I'll just order the delco/morain booster and both masters and see what master lines up.. correctly..
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