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Old 09-30-2003, 12:49 PM   #1
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Posts: 20
Need some '72 Blazer Info

i know a friend that has a '72 blazer for sale. not the best shape, but i think i can pick it up for a steal. i'm not too interested in much aside from the axles. i own a jeep, and i was wondering what axles are under this blazer? what are their dimensions (width)? are they 1/2 ton axles? this blazer does have a straight 6 in it. any help would be great!!! also, what gears could i expect to see in these? thanks a ton!!!

oh, one more question... it's a 72, straight 6, stick (on the tree, i think), 4wd, no top (well, it's homemade). i think i could pick it up for $200. is that a deal?? or no?? the front clip is in pretty nice shape. rest is pretty rusty. thanks again!

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