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Old 06-22-2012, 02:19 PM   #3
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Re: Restoring and swapping a factory Air Conditioning system

I'm not sure about the swap, from larger C series trucks.
I might be able to measure a truck from work, I think we still have one with that cab style.
I'd appreciate that, if you have the time. The 2 trucks are the same model and year, both 1975 C65s with 366 engines, so I was hoping the bolts and screws holding the evaporator/condenser would line up with holes in the other truck.

The Sanden compressor sounds great. Do you know exactly what model of Sanden compressor I would need? Thats been my biggest problem. Googling "which compressor for a 1975 chevy c65" or something similar turns up nothing useful.

I have some experience with A/C. I did a compressor kit on my modern chevy pickup a year ago. I guess the other thing I'm worried about is how many years that condenser/evaporator have been sitting there. One of the lines wasn't plugged. Can I get it cleaned out well enough with A/C flush fluid?

Also, will the factory lines and hoses in the parts truck connect to the Sanden compressor?

Thanks for your help!
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