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Old 06-22-2012, 10:21 PM   #1
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Going racing next week!

Spoke with a friend of mine tonight, and he asked if I was racing at Silver Dollar next weekend. I told him funds were tight, and that we would be there to serve as Chaplain at the race, but not with the truck. He told me to bring the truck, that my tech card, entry at the gate, and racing fuel would be taken care of for me. My tires are being handled by another sponsor. I had no idea that I would be racing before the end of the season, but God is good.
We will only be running the 6.0 index class for the time being, as I have not had the money to get a looser pump cover made for the torque converter. It is seat time, and being competitive!! Please say a prayer for us to race safe, and minister with integrity. Ministry is about building relationships, and trust. God plants the seeds through us, and we just have to be faithfull. Thanks, Paul Baxter
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