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Old 06-26-2012, 07:26 AM   #3
1955 mancave
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Re: opinions if this is junk? 700r4 with warranty

well i'm in Phx. and i am also looking for a 700 R4, i have seen prices at around 500, if you do not have a core you can add about 200 on top of that, as far as the warranty well it's only as good as the man who offers it, yes the price is good but if it turns out to be junk you will end up over $1000.00 anyways when you buy anotherone, me if i felt good about the guy i was purchasing it from i would probaly buy it but make sure you get everything in writing , protect yourself, as if you were the seller and ask for some real ID from the person selling it , i have no problem giving peole what they need to make them feel better about buying from me and i dont think others should either as long as they are on the up and up, jmo.
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