Thread: Torrsion bar?
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Old 09-30-2003, 11:11 PM   #1
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Torrsion bar?

I am wanting to add one two my Blazer. I bought cross member and bar off an 87 suburban. Not sure if I can make it work. Thought I would ask the board for any ideas from anyone that has done this. Any ideas would be appreciated. I am looking for path of least resistance.

Off note I saw a nice looking blazer the other day in a small town and it had tow hooks. I could not believe it. I will go back soon. I am trying to find out who owns it. The truck looked pretty good, but I did not have a chance to stop and look close. I may try and buy the truck just for the hooks. If I have any luck I may have another Blazer. Problem is my wife already said NO. I will still investigat. Thanks.
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